About Us

The SIGAI Journal of Artificial Intelligence is entirely staffed by club members


Anna Yao

Anna Yao is an editor and writer for JAI. Currently she is applying for the new school of Data Science at UVA. In addition to JAI, she also participates in her campus ministry and an acapella group.

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Sai Sahvir Bhaskaruni

Sahvir Bhaskaruni is a first year at UVA. They are currently both a staff writer and editor for the SIGAI Journal of Artificial Intelligence. Their research interests are focused on using the biological applications of AI and computational biology.

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Grafton Rentz

Grafton Rentz is a first year studying CS at UVA. He is an animal lover with two pet dogs and two pet cats. He also holds a deep love for coffee in its many different forms.

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Patrick Soga

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Patrick Soga is a first year PHD student at UVA in the CS department. His research is interested in using Geometric Deep Learning for AI/ML for scientific applications. Additionally he is interested in the applications for graphing.

Malik Kurtz

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Malik Kurtz is a second year undergraduate student at UVA studying Computer Science and Mathematics. He is a member of Professor Fioretto’s reading group Responsible Artificial Intelligence for Science and Engineering (RAISE). This group discusses the latest developments in privacy and optimization as they relate to Large Language Models and generative AI.

Eugene Kim

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Eugene Kim is first year at UVA and a writer for the SIGAI Journal of Artificial Intelligence.

Emily Chang

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Emily Chang is a third year student at UVA in the school of Engineering and Applied Sciences. She is working towards a major in Computer Science and minor in Applied Mathematics. She has published work on Environmental Sciences and Cybersecurity.